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This months topic is on: When to keep your mouth shut! The 20 Times You Should Keep Your Mouth Shut (11-20)
11) when you are tempted to tell an outright lie – Proverbs 4:24
12) If your words will damage someone’s reputation – Proverbs 16:27
13) If your words will destroy a friendship – Proverbs 25:28
14) When you are feeling critical – James 3:9-10
15) If you can’t speak without yelling – Proverbs 25:28
16) When it is time to listen – Proverbs 13:1
17) If you may have to eat your words later – Proverbs 18:21
18) If you have already said it more than one time – Proverbs 19:13
19) When you are tempted to flatter a wicked person – Proverbs 24:24
20) When you are supposed to be working instead – Proverbs 14:23
Job 22:28 – If you decree a thing it shall be established.
We challenge you to make this personal decree:
“So today I make a Decree about the Words Coming Out of My Mouth according to …”
Proverbs 21:23 I will keep my mouth and my tongue
John 14:14 everything I ask in the name of Jesus it shall be done
Isaiah 50:4 every tongue that rises against me shall be condemned
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me
Matthew 7:7-8 whatever I ask, it shall be given, whatever I seek I shall find it, where I knock that door shall be opened.
Matthews 21:22 whatever I ask in prayer, believing, I shall receive
And it is so, in Jesus Name
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