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This months topic is on: When to keep your mouth shut! The 20 Times You Should Keep Your Mouth Shut (11-20)
11) when you are tempted to tell an outright lie – Proverbs 4:24
12) If your words will damage someone’s reputation – Proverbs 16:27
13) If your words will destroy a friendship – Proverbs 25:28
14) When you are feeling critical – James 3:9-10
15) If you can’t speak without yelling – Proverbs 25:28
16) When it is time to listen – Proverbs 13:1
17) If you may have to eat your words later – Proverbs 18:21
18) If you have already said it more than one time – Proverbs 19:13
19) When you are tempted to flatter a wicked person – Proverbs 24:24
20) When you are supposed to be working instead – Proverbs 14:23
Job 22:28 – If you decree a thing it shall be established.
We challenge you to make this personal decree:
“So today I make a Decree about the Words Coming Out of My Mouth according to …”
Proverbs 21:23 I will keep my mouth and my tongue
John 14:14 everything I ask in the name of Jesus it shall be done
Isaiah 50:4 every tongue that rises against me shall be condemned
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me
Matthew 7:7-8 whatever I ask, it shall be given, whatever I seek I shall find it, where I knock that door shall be opened.
Matthews 21:22 whatever I ask in prayer, believing, I shall receive
And it is so, in Jesus Name
Be sure to FOLLOW and LIKE us on Facebook at the link below!
Mary House Ministries: http://www.MaryHouseMinistries.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MaryHouseMin…
This months topic is on: When to keep your mouth shut! The 20 Times You Should Keep Your Mouth Shut (1-10)
1) In the heat of anger – proverbs 14:17
2) When you don’t have all the facts – proverbs 18:13
3) When you haven’t verified the story – Deuteronomy 17:6
4) If your words have offend a weaker brother – 1 Corinthians 8:11
5) If your words will be a poor reflection of the Lord or your friends and family – 1 Peter 2:21-22
6) When you are tempted to joke about sin – proverbs 14:9
7) When you would be ashamed of your words later – proverbs 8:8
8) When you are tempted to make light of holy things – Ecclesiastes 5:2 *Silence can never be misquoted – Dr. Mary House
9) If your words convey a wrong impression – Proverbs 17:27
10) If the issue is none of your business proverbs 14:10
Decree —- Job 22:28 – If you decree a thing it shall be established.
Job 22:28 – If you decree a thing it shall be established.
So today I make a Decree about the Words Coming Out of My Mouth according to …
Proverbs 21:23 I will keep my mouth and my tongue
John 14:14 everything I ask in the name of Jesus it shall be done Isaiah 50:4 every tongue that rises against me shall be condemned
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me
Matthew 7:7-8 whatever I ask, it shall be given, whatever I seek I shall find it, where I knock that door shall be opened.
Matthews 21:22 whatever I ask in prayer, believing, I shall receive
And it is so, in Jesus Name
Be sure to FOLLOW and LIKE us on Facebook at the link below!
Mary House Ministries: http://www.MaryHouseMinistries.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MaryHouseMin…
Welcome to Wisdom from the House! This months topic is on: When to keep your mouth shut!
Proverbs 21:23 – “Whosoever keepeth His Mouth and his tongue, keepeth his soul from trouble”
4 Functions of the Tongue
1. To Gauge – the tongue inevitably becomes the gauge for our maturity. Our faith will never register higher than our words
2. To Guide – the tongue sets things into motion. It will either defuse or kindle its course of action
3. To Gird – the tongue has the power to expend life or death in our lives. It was never intended to be used to kill us, but rather to create an abundant life
4. To Guard – the tongue provokes us to ponder upon whether or not our words reveal good or bad. Does it create peace or reveal hypocrisy?
Mary House Ministries: http://www.MaryHouseMinistries.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MaryHouseMin…
Well folks, this is the last week discussing Self Esteem, but that doesn’t mean that you have to stop here. You should continue to build on these messages and develop a strong self esteem within yourselves. While we have been talking about self esteem this month, we would like to also take this time to bring awareness. If you or anyone you know may be struggling mentally or emotionally please utilize the **Suicide Prevention Link http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline…. ) or **Hotline or (1-800-273-8255) and Get HELP! This link can be found in the description of each video from this month as well as Google.
“God is a keeper and He can give you Peace that surpasses all your understanding. Please know you are not alone and it’s okay to ask for help.” ~Mary L. House
**Suicide Prevention Link: http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline….
This month we have been giving you all the TEN STEPS to help build Self Esteem and this week we have the final three:
• Step Eight: Help someone else
• Step Nine: Take responsibility for your own actions
• Step Ten: Take care of yourself
“Watch your thoughts: they become words. Watch your words: they become actions. Watch your actions: they become habits. Watch your habits: they become your character. Watch your character: because it becomes your destiny.” ~Lao Tzu
We really hope this month’s message has blessed you and spoken to your hearts. We pray that the hurts of your heart and mind have been mended and healed and that those of you who need it have sought help from those God have called to help. If ever you need any added encouragement in your day you can watch these or any of our other videos here at any time. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our channel for instant access to our uploaded videos, and as always, we hope that you SHARE this to your social media.
Don’t forget to visit http://www.mfmnv.org to register (FREE) for Women’s Conference which is on August 16th and 17th. Also if you feel led to donate or want to purchase your “Wisdom from the House” Journals you can do that at Mary House Ministries (http://www.MaryHouseMinistries.org).
Don’t forget to FOLLOW and LIKE us on Facebook at the link below!
Suicide Prevention Link: http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline….
Self Esteem Survey: www.getesteem.com
Click ~Resources
Click ~Self Esteem Questionnaire
Quote: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f4/24/…
Mary House Ministries: http://www.MaryHouseMinistries.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MaryHouseMin…
Welcome to the third week of our Self Esteem BOOSTER! This month so far, has forced us to look inward and by doing so hopefully, grow and strengthen ourselves mentally emotionally and spiritually. The public losses we have had this month have also forced us all to be more aware and with that being said if you or anyone you know may be struggling mentally or emotionally please not only reach out to them but utilize the **Suicide Prevention Link http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline…. ) or **Hotline or (1-800-273-8255) and Get HELP! Our lives are too precious to let the enemy take. He will NOT win, he will not take over our minds and he will not have a hold over our hearts. Last week we began giving you all a few steps to help build Self Esteem and this week we have a few more.
“God is a keeper and He can give you Peace that surpasses all your understanding. Please know you are not alone and it’s okay to ask for help.” ~Mary L. House
**Suicide Prevention Link: http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline….
• Step Five: Developing trust friendships that make you feel good “Your circle of friends must match your own aspirations and dreams or you will find little support when you need it most.” ~Leon Brown
• Step Six: Don’t be afraid to ask for help
• Step Seven: Stand up for your beliefs
• “Always take a stand for yourself and your values. You are defined by what you stand for.” ~Oprah Winfrey
As always, we hope in our hearts this message has helped you and remember you can watch any of our videos as many times as you like. SHARE this video, you never know what someone else may be going through and this message could make an impactful difference in their life. Also, SUBSCRIBE to our channel for instant access to each weekly video and don’t forget to purchase your “Wisdom from the House” Journals at Mary House Ministries (http://www.MaryHouseMinistries.org). You can also reach out to us or make donations at Mary House Ministries as well.
Women’s Conference is August 1st & 2nd, registration and information can be found at: http://www.mfmnv.org
Don’t forget to FOLLOW and LIKE us on Facebook at the link below!
Suicide Prevention Link: http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline….
Self Esteem Survey: www.getesteem.com
Click ~Resources
Click ~Self Esteem Questionnaire
Quote: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/4579598… http://www.azquotes.com/quote/453017
Mary House Ministries: http://www.MaryHouseMinistries.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MaryHouseMin…
Over this past week we have learned of two celebrities who separately committed suicide, first designer Kate Spade and then Anthony Bourdain of CNN. It is apparent to me, that we need to reach out to the people in our lives to check in and make sure they are okay. We here at Mary House Ministries and Wisdom from the House are asking God for wisdom and the insight to be sensitive to those in our circles, and most of all asking God to help us protect our minds and hearts. “God is a keeper and He can give you Peace that surpasses all your understanding. Please know you are not alone and it’s okay to ask for help.” ~Mary L. House
**Suicide Prevention Link: http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline….
Jumping right in to this week’s message, we would like to first say that though we originally planned to go over the self esteem survey, due to the events this past week we would rather focus on getting help to those who need it. It may not always feel like there’s help out there but there is, here are a few steps to help pull you out of those dark places that we ALL have been to before:
• Step One: Know yourself
• Step Two: Understand what makes you feel great
• Step Three: Recognize things that get you down (Identify your triggers)
• Step Four: Set goals to achieve what you want
Also, ALWAYS remember no matter what, that there is always someone you can go to or talk to no matter how close or estranged they may be. NEVER BE AFRAID TO OPEN UP TO SOMEONE! If you don’t have anyone you feel you can talk to please click the link here http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline…. and speak to someone who will help you anyway they can. Please SHARE SHARE SHARE this video with EVERYONE you know, you NEVER know what someone else may be going through and this message could quite literally save a life. We also hope that you all SUBSCRIBE to our channel and don’t forget to purchase your “Wisdom from the House” Journals at Mary House Ministries (http://www.MaryHouseMinistries.org). There are only a few two ($50 value) for one ($25) journals left so order yours now. Also if you feel compelled to donate or reach out to us, Mary House Ministries is the place for that as well.
Women’s Conference is August 1st-2nd, registration and information can be found at: http://www.mfmnv.org
You can FOLLOW and LIKE us on Facebook at the link below!
Suicide Prevention Link: http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline….
Self Esteem Survey: www.getesteem.com
Click ~Resources
Click ~Self Esteem Questionnaire
Quote: “Take time to get to know yourself, you may be surprised at how much there is to like. Take care of your body. Be gentle to your soul. Know that it is ok to cry, feel upset and ask for help. Expect some days you will feel fragile and other days you will feel invincible. Be aware of how you treat yourself and how you treat others. You have the right to change your mind, change your destination, correct your errors and start over. This is you. This is your life.” ~ http://www.Quotesgram.com
Mary House Ministries: http://www.MaryHouseMinistries.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MaryHouseMin…
It’s a new month guys, and we’re going to dig deep this week to really help you all grow. This month we are discussing Self Esteem and this week’s topic is about truly discovering who you are. There is a study by Jade Mazarin called “Adult Concept”, and in this study she refers to a scene out of the movie ‘Anger Management’. (If you haven’t seen Anger Management it’s a good laugh starring Adam Sandler and Jack Nicholson but also, in true Adam Sandler form, it’s quite insightful). In the scene, Jack Nicholson’s character is trying to get Adam’s character to answer the question, who are you? It’s not until Sandler gets frustrated with repeatedly giving the wrong response that they both see who he TRULY is. So, with that being said, Who Are You? Follow the link below and take the Self Esteem Survey to find out, and were going to discuss those results NEXT WEEK.
We really can’t wait to hear how this month’s topic helps you all, as well as the results from your questionnaires. So be sure to comment or email us to let us know, we would love to share them here on our page. Also, don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE and SHARE so you can get exclusive updates to your email or Smartphone. You can watch ANY of our messages here at any time and you can email your testimonies to Mary House Ministries (http://www.MaryHouseMinistries.org). If you would like to donate or purchase your “Wisdom from the House” Journal, Mary House Ministries is the place to go for that as well. Remember, the first 50 copies will be TWO journals (a $50 value) for the price of ONE ($25).
You can FOLLOW and LIKE us on Facebook at the link below!
Self Esteem Survey: www.getesteem.com
Click ~Resources
Click ~Self Esteem Questionnaire
Quote: “If I could give you one gift I would give you the ability to see yourself as I see you, so you could see how truly special you are” ~Author Unknown
Mary House Ministries: http://www.MaryHouseMinistries.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MaryHouseMin…
D= Divinely
R= Revealed
E= Events
A= Awaiting
M= Manifestation
This is our last week of May and we’re coming to the end of our “Road to Your Dreams”. You’ve waited all month for the 17 steps to take on your road and we are finally there at steps 14-17. Here goes!! Steps 14 – 17 14. Develop the will to succeed with absolute commitment (Deuteronomy 8:18) 15. Act as if it is impossible to fail (Philippians 4:14) 16. Believe that you can do it in absolute faith (Hebrews 11:1) 17. NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS (Deuteronomy 28:1-18)
Remember this road is YOURS and so are your dreams. Make them your own and remember these steps along the way. We know these steps will help so many of you and we want to hear all about it. Email us here or contact us with your testimonials and we would love to share them here on our page. We can’t wait to see all of your dreams manifest and in the meantime, you next week but in the meantime, we will see you next week. Want to see if we post your testimony on our page, then SUBSCRIBE HERE. You can also get exclusive updates to your email or Smartphone and you can even watch ANY of our messages any time. You can email your testimonies to Mary House Ministries (http://www.MaryHouseMinistries.org) and if you would like to donate you can do that there as well. Also, you can purchase your “Wisdom from the House” Journal but remember, the first 50 copies will be TWO journals (a $50 value) for the price of ONE ($25).
As always, we welcome all questions and comments and don’t forget to share this with your circle. You can FOLLOW and LIKE us on Facebook at the link below! Bible Verses:
Deuteronomy 8:18
Philippians 4:14
Hebrews 11:1
Deuteronomy 28:1-18
Mary House Ministries: http://www.MaryHouseMinistries.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MaryHouseMin…