
Financial Literacy – What Are Your Habits

Welcome to ~Wisdom from the House~

Today we’re getting REAL! What are your Financial Habits? Are you an impulsive spender? Are you buying things that you actually need or just things that you want? Well, if your answers aren’t on the Debt Free end of the stick, then this is the message for you. Even if you save money and only buy the things that you truly need this is still the message for you. Sometimes it’s the simple things that make a difference. Look at what you spend money on monthly and determine how much of that could you put aside and save instead. Whether its $25 or $100, I guarantee at the end of the year it’ll be a number that you can be proud of. In this message, Dr House shares a few tips on how to break these poor financial habits. She also gives us the last 10 Steps to Financial Wellness.
Steps 21-30 are:
21) Document your spending
22) Identify ways to reduce spending
23) Save money on groceries
24) Share a tip for change
25) Document your desired spending
26) Protect yourself by performing financial checkups
27) Understand the cost of credit
28) Assemble a financial team
29) Appreciate the benefits
30) Keep Moving Forward

We encourage you, and hope that this message inspires you to create some new and positive Financial Habits. Remember you can visit Mary House Ministries ( to donate and we always welcome you to ask questions, comment, and share, and of course SUBSCRIBE for exclusive updates to your email or Smartphone. You can watch ANY of our messages HERE as many times as you want to help you along the way and don’t forget to also FOLLOW and LIKE us on Facebook. See you next week!

Quote: “It’s not your salary that makes you reach, it’s your spending habits ~ Charles A. Jaffe… Financial Literacy: Life Insurance: http://agents.firstfinancialsecurity…. Mary House Ministries: Facebook:…